Tuesday, October 04, 2011


My superhero name would be Captain Obvious. Although it raises the question, who picks the name? Can you just start out as captain? Shouldn't you start at the bottom and work your way up? Kinda like Robin, be a sidekick and learn the ropes then get promoted to your own then up to captain. As a bad guy, wouldn't that really make you feel worse getting defeated by rookie superheros? "Oh no! Cadet Boy caught me"

Now about the villains. Do they have a ranking system? No 'Captain Evil' as they seem to prefer the medical field, they're always mad scientists otherwise. Except for The Riddler, there aren't too many in the English/Humanities. Then when they inevitably get caught, where to they go? No trials, no jury of peers (can you even have a jury of peer when a supervillian?) just always put in some mysterious holding cell somewhere where they can always escape. This strikes me as a terrible system.

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